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Steps - Samba de Gafieira by Marco Antonio Perna
Steps - Samba de Gafieira

A set of the main steps organized for teaching and competing was chosen in a polling in Rio de Janeiro in July 2001. Such steps were divided into Bronze, Silver and Gold and were called Syllabus. Such steps and their variations will be described later. Some examples of variations are chicote and pescaria, which are ways to get into the facão (Big Knife) and even the faquinha (Little Knife). The same goes for letra, boneca (Doll) and Pulada de Cerca.

In the syllabus, there are not acrobatic steps where the dancer takes his feet off the ground. For that reason, neither cadeirinha (little chair) nor baratinha nor balão (baloon) are included. Cabide, besides taking the feet off the ground, it is a typical rock step, mischaracterizing Brazilian dance to international view.

The following people participated of the meeting for the syllabus voting:

Carlinhos de Jesus (C.D.C.J.), Marco Antonio Perna, Rogério Mendonça (C.D. Jaime Arôxa), Dani Escudero (C.D.J.A), Marquinhos Copacabana, Bob Cunha e Aurya, Dani Galper (C.D.C.J.), Dani Aguiar, Kilve (C.D.C.J.), Flávio Miguel, Bolacha, Luís Florião/Adriana, Gérson Reis, Egídio, Bruno Barros, Wanir Almeida, Valdeci e Marcello Moragas. The meetings were Dani Areco and Fábio Bonini's idea and they will introduce samba de gafieira in the United States of America.

In the CD-ROM the videos are in MPEG, but here are in WMV format, and need the latest microsoft media player or RAM and need Real Audio.


  • Passo Básico(Basic)

  • Saída Lateral (Lateral Parting)
  • Tirada ao lado (Lateral Drawing)
  • Cruzado (Crossed)
  • Gancho (Hook)
  • Balanço (Swing)
  • Caminhada (Promenade)
  • Esse (letter "S")
  • Giro da Dama (Lady's Spin)
  • Puladinho (Jump)


  • Romário (a soccer player name)
  • Tirada de Perna (Leg Taken Off)
  • Assalto
  • Facão (Big Knife)
  • Gancho Redondo (Round Hook)
  • Trança (Twist)
  • Tesoura (Scissors)
  • Balão Apagado (Falling Baloon)
  • Picadinho (another Twist)
  • Mestre Sala


  • Pião (Top, spinning toy)
  • Pica-pau (Woodpecker)
  • Escovinha
  • Bicicleta (Bike)
  • Enceradeira

More information in the book "Samba de Gafieira - the history of brazilian ballroom dance", by Marco Antonio Perna, with english version, and others books from the same author in portuguese.

Director and webdesigner: Marco Antonio Perna

Dancers: Marcelo Borges and Elaine Pereira.

Rio de Janeiro, 2001
Marco Antonio Perna - sambadegafieira@dancadesalao.com

Agenda da Dança de Salão Brasileira - dancadesalao.com.br
Copyright © 1997 Marco Antonio Perna